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Linha Investigação
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1-10 de 34
::  Artigo SCI

Equipment and Pattern Language as Legacy to Design the Skin of the City: New Order to Design the Skin of Buildings.
SOARES, Liliana; POMBO, Fátima; APARO, Ermanno; DONEGANI, Dante
In COPE, Bill (Ed.) The International Journal of Architecture, Spatial, and Environmental Design. Ground Publishing: Champaign. ISSN: 2325-1662, Volume 6, Issue 3, pp.37-48. , (2013)

“O Design como veiculador da cultura de um lugar.”
APARO, Ermanno; SOARES, Liliana
in: MENEZES, Marizilda dos Santos; ROSSI, Marco Antonio . Revista Educação Gráfica. , ISSN 2179-­‐7374, Ano 2013 - V. 17 - No. 02, (2013)

“Friedrich Nietzscheʼs Thought and the Twentieth-century Buildings Design”
Liliana Soares, Fátima Pombo, Ermanno Aparo, Dante Donegani
in Jamie Brassett, Paul Hekkert, Geke Ludden, Matt Malpass, Janet McDonnell (Editors), Proceedings of the 8th Intenational Conference on Design and Emotion. ISBN: 978-0-9570719-2-6., 8, (2012)

“O Design como factor de desenvolvimento do terceiro mundo”
Ermanno Aparo, Liliana Soares
Design em Foco. Vol. 4, No 1 (2007) 6a edição Jan/Jun 2007, Salvador-Bahia. EDUNEB. ISSN: 1807-3778, 101-108, (2007)

::  Acta Conferencia

The Concept of Scenarios supported by semiotic capability to design a bicycle between tradition and innovation
L. Soares, E. Aparo, M.J. Ribeiro
Proceedings of the 12th World Congress of the International Association for Semiotics Studies , , (2016)

The Concept of Scenarios Supported by Semiotic capability to Design a Bicycle Between Tradition and Innovation
L. Soares, E. Aparo and M.J. Ribeiro
Proceedings of the World Congress of the IASS/AIS, IASS Publications & NBU Publishing House; 12th WCS - World Congress of the International Association for Semiotic Studies, Sofia, Bulgaria, (2014)

O design como construtor do limiar de encontros no interior e no exterior dos edifícios.
SOARES, Liliana; APARO; Ermanno; POMBO, Fátima
Edição E-Geo – Centro de Estudos de Geografia e Planeamento Regional; Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas da Universidade Nova de Lisboa. , 62, (2013)

“Designing the concept of beauty as an occasion to survive”.
Ermanno Aparo, Liliana Soares
ESDI (2013) Book of Proceedings. 2nd International Congress of Design and Innovation of Catalonia. Sabadell: FUNDIT, ISBN 978-84-936165-8-8. , (pp. 298 – 306), (2013)

“O Design como veiculador de significados entre a cultura material do Minho e o calçado.”
Maria Morim, Liliana Soares, Ermanno Aparo
in s.n. Proceedings of the CIMODE (2012) (pp. 284). Guimarães. 5/7 Novembro 2012., 284, (2012)

“Friedrich Nietzscheʼs Thought and the Twentieth-century Buildings Design."
Liliana Soares, Fátima Pombo, Ermanno Aparo, Dante Donegani
Proceedings of the 8th Intenational Conference on Design and Emotion. London: Ed. Central Saint Martins College of the Arts. ISBN: 978-0-9570719-2-6, , (2012)

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