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Linha Investigação
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1-10 de 11
::  Artigo SCI

Study of zircon or zirconia crystals addition in ceramic glazes by impedance spectroscopy
Llusar, A; Monros, G; Rodrigues, CM; Labrincha, JA
Ceramics International, 31 1 181-188, (2005)

In situ degradation of YSZ and YSZ+Al2O3 electrolytes of sensors used in glass melting furnaces
Rodrigues, CM; Marques, FMB; Labrincha, JA
Glass Science and Technology, 77 1 17-24, (2004)

Impedance spectroscopy study of metallurgical sludge in clay-based fired materials
Couto, DM; Ringuede, A; Silva, RF; Labrincha, JA; Rodrigues, CMS
American Ceramic Society Bulletin, 82 12 9101-9103, (2003)

Reinforcement of single-firing ceramic glazes with the addition of polycrystalline tetragonal zirconia (3Y-TZP) or zircon
Llusar, M; Rodrigues, C; Labrincha, J; Flores, M; Monros, G
Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 22 5 639-652, (2002)

Postmortem characterization of one yttria stabilized zirconia (YSZ)-based oxygen sensor
Rodrigues, CMS; Labrincha, JA; Marques, FMB
Solid State Ionics, 136 Sp. Iss. SI 671-675, (2000)

Corrosion effects of glass on YSZ electrolytes
Rodrigues, CMS; Labrincha, JA; Marques, FMB
Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 18 16 2377-2381, (1998)

Study of yttria-stabilized zirconica-glass composites by impedance spectroscopy
Rodrigues, CMS; Labrincha, JA; Marques, FMB
Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 144 12 4303-4309, (1997)

::  Acta Conferencia

Cathodic Behaviour of Non¬stoichiometric (La,Sr)1-x(Co,Mn)O3-d
J.C.C. Abrantes, C.M.S. Rodrigues, J.A. Labrincha, F.M.B. Marques e J.R.Frade
in British Ceramic Proceedings Nº56 - Ceramic Oxygen Ion Conductors and Their Technological Applications, Ed. B.C.H. Steele, The Institute of Materials, London, p.125-135, (1996)

::  Comunicação Oral

Synthesis and Transport Properties of Electrolytes and Mixed Conductors with Perovskite-Type Structure
E. Gomes, C. Rodrigues, F. Marques
Comunicação oral na 8th Euroconference on Ionics, Carvoeiro, Algarve, de 16 a 22 de Setembro, (2001)

::  Comunicação Poster

Synthesis and Electrical Properties of Perovskite – Based Electrolytes
E. Gomes, C. Rodrigues, F. Marques
II Conferencia Iberoamericana de Electrocerámica, Madrid a 3 e 4 de Junho, (1999)

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